Child Safeguarding Statement


Westport House Adventure Park, and Caravan and Camping Park. A Museum Home and Adventure Park aimed at primary school children and Caravan and Camping Park catering for families.

Westport House, Adventure Park and Caravan and Camping Park provide services for children of all ages though typically catering for children up to the age of 18 years.

The management structure is:

Biddy Hughes – Head of Operations
Liz Butcher – Adventure Manager
Michael King – Estate & Construction Manager
Madeleine Dermody, HR Coordinator
Designated Liaison Person for Child Protection – Liz Butcher


Our Service is committed to safeguarding the children in our care and to providing a safe environment in which they can enjoy family fun, play, learn and develop.

    • Our service believes that the welfare of the children attending our service is paramount. We are committed to child-centred practice in all our work with children.

    • We are committed to upholding the rights of every child and young person who attends our service, including the rights to be kept safe and protected from harm.

    • Our policy and procedures to safeguard children and young people reflect national policy and legislation and are underpinned by Children First: National

    • Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017, the Tusla Children First – Child Safeguarding Guide 2017, and the Children First Act 2015.

    • Our policy declaration applies to all paid staff, volunteers, and students on work placement within our organisation. All staff, volunteers and students must sign up to and abide by the policies, procedures and guidance encompassed by this policy declaration and our child safeguarding policy and accompanying procedures.

    • We will review our child safeguarding statement and accompanying child safeguarding policies and procedures every 2 years or sooner if necessary, due to service issues or changes in legislation or national policy.



In accordance with the Children First Act 2015, the Board of Management/Service Provider has carried out an assessment of any potential for harm to a child while attending the service or participating in service activities. A written assessment setting out the areas of risk identified and the service procedures for managing those risks is summarised below:

Staff working with children

    • Staff Policy: No staff member to be left alone with any child.

    • Parents/guardians must stay with the children during their visit.


Lost Child Procedure

There are 2 central location points for a lost child:

1. Westport House Reception

2. Ticketing at farmyard

If a staff member is informed of a lost child please follow this procedure: –

Inform Management immediately.

Alert all Staff via Radio (walkie talkie) informing them of:

a) Location of where child went missing.

b) Description of child.

Please behave professionally and in a discreet manner when informing staff of lost child so as not to incite panic amongst other visitors.

If after 25 minutes, the child has not been found, close Gates at the Adventure Park.

a) Two members of Staff must remain on gates to vet all visitors leaving park.

b) One member of Staff must remain in Ticket Office/check point to deal with the daily business.

If a Child has not been found within 30 minutes Management MUST call the Guards.

If a child has been found please ensure that there are two members of Staff with child in area Child is found for 10 minutes to allow for reunification with parents/guardian (one member of Staff must be supervisor/management).

The Staff must try to ascertain a description of the Childs Parents/Guardian, their name, mobile number if known and a description.

If after 10 minutes there has been no reunification with parents or guardian the child must be taken to the designated lost child location by two staff members.

If asked by Public you must give a brief description ONLY. Do NOT give a detailed description.

If a Parent/Guardian comes to the lost children’s location claiming they have lost a child they MUST provide identification, and a description of child. This includes age, clothing, and height.

If there is any reluctance from child to go with Adult, the Guards must be informed by Management.

The Parent/Guardian must fill in a form with all relevant details and sign when taking the child. This form MUST be left in Admin Office.

Once a lost child incident has been resolved, Management must inform all the Staff.


Policy on Use of Recording Equipment and Mobile Phone Camera Use

    • It is not our intention to prevent parents/guardians from taking pictures but to ensure that photographic practices are monitored and to reduce the risk of inappropriate photography/filming.

    • No one is permitted to photograph or record images in changing areas /bathroom areas.

    • Visitors must be informed when a photographer will be photographing onsite.

    • Children’s images will not be used for promotional releases unless parents/guardians have consented.

    • Unsupervised access to children or one to one photoshoots are prohibited.

    • Any concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography/filming reported to or observed by staff must be brought to the attention of management and followed up with the person in question.


Social Media Management Policy

    • All social media accounts will be password protected and at least 2 members of staff will have access.

    • Identifying details such as a child’s name, address or telephone number should not be posted on social media.

    • No images or personal information of under 18’s should be posted online without prior written consent from each parent / guardian.

    • If at any time, the child or parent / guardian wishes images or their details to be removed from Westport House social media page(s), the administrators should be contacted. This information should be removed within seven days.

    • Staff members are not permitted to take photos of customers and post on personal pages.



As required by the Children First Act, 2015, Children First National Guidance for Protection and Welfare of Children 2017 and the Guidance for Developing for a Child Safeguarding statement for Early Years Services 2018 the following safeguarding policies/procedures/measures are in place

Procedures to maintain a list of mandated persons under the Children First Act, 2015

    • A Relevant Person has been appointed

    • A Designated Liaison Person and Deputy have been appointed

    • Child Protection and Welfare Reporting Procedures

    • Confidentiality Policy

    • Policy for Dealing with Allegations of Abuse or Neglect Against Employees

    • Procedure for Managing Child Protection Records

    • Recruitment Policy

    • Garda Vetting Policy

    • Code of Behaviour for Working with Children

    • Induction Policy (which includes procedures to inform new staff about the Child Safeguarding Statement and accompanying safeguarding policies and procedures)

    • The management team have completed the Tusla eLearning module – Introduction to Children First and the Designated Liaison Officer has signed up to receive additional training from Tusla pending availability

    • Staff have access to regular Supervision and Support in line with the service policy

    • Complaints Policy

    • Policy for Managing Accidents and Incidents

    • A Lost Child Procedure is in place

    • Social Media Management Policy



We recognise that implementation is an ongoing process. Our service is committed to the implementation of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the accompanying child safeguarding policies and procedures that support our intention to keep children safe from harm while availing of our service.

    • This Statement will be reviewed every 2 years or as soon as practicable after there has been a material change in any matter to which the statement refers.

    • This statement has been published on the service website and is displayed in the service. It has been provided to all staff, volunteers and any other persons involved with the service. It is readily accessible to parents and guardians on request. A copy of this Statement will be made available to Tusla if requested.


For further information on this Statement, contact Relevant Person: Biddy Hughes (098) 27766

Person(s) carrying out Risk Assessment: Liz Butcher and Biddy Hughes

Date: 12/10/2023