Today, we were proud to host the start of the #ITERA Adventure Race World Series.
ITER – Latin for “journey”.. and the “A” stood for little more than the ADVENTURE (where on that journey the outcomes are uncertain).
At noon today, 150 racers in teams of 4 set off to cover 600km (from Westport all the way to Killarney in Co. Kerry) over 5 days.

I guess that’s why they call it an EXPEDITION RACE.
The organisers say that it will be a big challenge to all the *top teams* but one that should be achievable to ALL participants. Although, I’m not sure I’d be fit for it! We were in awe of these folks today who were bussed up from Kerry leaving at 6am. They will be on the move for the next five days. One team told us that the most sleep they expect to get is 5 hours. Over five days. Holy Moly, these guys and gals are up there with the O’Donoval Brothers as far as we’re concerned.

This event is the brainchild of 3 people, Ivan Park the man behind the Beast of Ballyhoara, Avril Copeland a prolific Adventure Racer (who is retiring again!) and James Thurlow has organised over 100 Adventure Sports events in the UK over the past 11 years with Open Adventure. The idea of showing off the country at its finest is what motivates the team behind the ITERA.
The race will include fell running, mountain biking, kayaking, orienteering and a few surprises taking you to those hidden gems. Attitude is everything, they will get very little to no sleep and will be constantly on the move.
We can all keep up to date with their location and distance covered on the Itera website – there will be live updates every 2 minutes. Click here to track all 29 teams from all corners of the globe….a big Irish contingent but also Japan, Australia, USA and the UK.
With shortcuts available (approx. 300km) for the novice or slower teams we have no doubt thaT everyone will enjoy the drama and excitement to be found all along the gorgeous Wild Atlantic Way in Ireland.

Good navigation is essential for the race (mobile phones were handed over to organisers so no sneaky peaks at Google to help you get there!) and racers will be provided with detailed maps to follow. The race will include fell running, mountain biking, kayaking, orienteering and a few surprises taking them to those hidden gems (such as our gorgeous starting site, of course!).

Attitude is everything, so be prepared for the unexpected.
Race time :4-5 days
Total race distance :600 km (short course approx. 300km)